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Elf Magic

Elf Magic published on

How the “Elf Magic” works and how it is best used!!
The more plants and trees are present in your Kingdom, the greater the benefit.

I have previously each vacancy filled with plum trees, because i need them for my Plum Bread Medals!

Before you buy the Elf Magic make sure that all possible plant’s are ready to harvest!

The Elf Magic is immediately there and goes NOT in your inventory!!!!

* Attention:  Elf Magic does not work for flowers!!

Enjoy the ღ V.I.P. ღ Nobilities

Royal Story ღ V.I.P. ღ Nobilities – Our New Group

Royal Story ღ V.I.P. ღ Nobilities – Our New Group published on

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We start with our new group for Royal Story! Only the NEW group is associated with this Fanpage!

Active daily players are welcome to join our group:
Royal Story ღ V.I.P. ღ Nobilities.
Make great new friends, learn about gaming strategies and more. Only at Royal Story ღ V.I.P. ღ Nobilities!!!

Open the door to our group here   Royal Story ღ V.I.P. ღ Nobilities  (we play only English game version)

We accept only when we see that you play active!
If you have the settings on your timeline “only visible for friends”
you need to contact an admin to ask for request!
We know that is sometimes needed to have the settings hidden  because of different reasons!!

Love greetings… We are pleased to have you with us!!

Lou-lou Ralph and Mel Anie

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