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Feedback from Developers 03.23

Feedback from Developers 03.23 published on

Dear players,

This time we would like to start with an apology and a big thank you.
To begin with the former: we’re sorry it took us so long to get this edition of the weekly letter
out to you. Holidays, combined with a tremendous amount of work right after that,
are the causes of the delay. So sorry for that – but from now on we’ll be back again every week!

The thank you goes out to all of you who provided us valuable feedback about the past week’s
release. More specifically: the World Tree. Thanks to your feedback, we noticed not all
was going as fluently as we intended to in the game, and we were able to do some effective
improvements within 24 hours. We added extra text to the function to make it clearer, and
extended the World Tree by 2 days. We hope everyone will be able to finish it in time!

Having said all that, let’s have a look at what we will or in some cases will not do,
based on your suggestions!

One of the will do’s, is giving you the chance to have more community neighbors.
Most of you will not notice the difference, but it can mean a lot to those who are starting
Royal Story after you.

We also offered a solution for those who found themselves stuck in the Happy Hobbies Time
Limited Quest for not having a Moonstone Globe. Especially for this occasion, we politely
asked our adult Quetzals to drop Moon Dust too. It took them a while to come to a decision
among themselves, but in the end they agreed to do it. Thanks Quetzals! A thing we won’t do
– at least not now – is develop a Super Hoe. You know, a Super Axe but then for grasses.
Most grasses can already be cut in one click, so the market for Super Hoes seems to be quite
small. A Super Hoe is certainly not a bad idea, but we’d like to give priority over other things.

Such as improving the order board. You have sent us your complaints about it, and we now
realize: if a machine unlocks at level 20, it doesn’t mean that we should automatically assume
that most players actually have it up and running at level 20. That’s why we are now working
on a re-balance if the Air Port Board. We hope we can prevent disappointments for not having
the necessary equipment for an order – or at least prevent it in most cases.

Well, that’s all for now. We’re off towards a new week, with a new release, with more fun features
and good improvements!

Have a great time playing!

King Jarvis & the Royal Story Team.

P.S. Oh by the way – if you do an Order on the Airport Board, don’t forget to click “Complete” at the end.

Only if you do that, the game will count the order. Good luck!

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